March 9, 2025

Security Sessions | A Layered Solution to Cybersecurity

by Erfan Ibrahim, Ph.D.


Today’s highly internetworked business applications are exposed to a variety of threats—both internal and external. The external threats include natural disasters, amateur hackers and advanced persistent threats from nation states or non-state entities. Internal threats include disgruntled employees, industrial espionage rings, and other nefarious groups that have infiltrated legitimate enterprises. System errors can also cascade into large-scale disruptions to business applications. All verticals of the economy that are dependent on information systems for day-to-day operations and business transactions are susceptible to internal and external cyber threats. Since information systems control the functions of many tangible devices at data centers and in the field, the threats can also be physical in nature. The cyber-physical interface has to be protected in both directions to ensure business continuity.

Possible Solution:

The complex cyber-physical environment in modern enterprises described above cannot be secured with traditional cybersecurity technologies such as firewalls, anti-virus servers, access control lists and username/password alone. A layered approach is needed to secure all seven logical layers of the OSI Basic Reference Model (ISO standard), as well as the semantic and business process layers that ride above them. Typically, security controls are inserted into the protocols only at the application and network layers. Not enough consideration is given to systemic security through intrusion detection technologies that combine in-line blocking with passive observation of network traffic and determine anomalous behavior by comparing actual commands between legitimate nodes with the desired commands between them for each protocol/business application of interest.

At the U.S. Department of Energy National Renewable Energy Laboratory, researchers have designed, built, and validated a cybersecurity research platform that incorporates a 9-layer security model. This testbed consists of electric utility distribution grid management hardware and includes an enterprise station and two substations protected by multiple layers of security. This security architecture is applicable to any multi-site information system in any industry vertical that has real-time transactions between different end-users, end-systems or a hybrid of the two.

Network Description

The research platform consists of an enterprise site with a Cisco ASA 5512x firewall facing the internet and a Cisco 3850 Layer 2/3 switch. The Cisco 3850 switch has three Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) configured on it, such as information technology (IT), operational technology (OT), and management VLAN. The IT VLAN contains the DNS server, the SMTP server, the FTP Server and the Syslog server. The OT VLAN contains distribution management system (DMS) and devices commonly found in the control center of a typical distribution utility. The management VLAN contains the management ports of the cybersecurity technologies, with a logical separation from the production network to limit access to only authorized network administrator staff.

The research platform connects the enterprise site with two substation sites through a mock Internet Service Provider (ISP) network represented by an ISP switch. Each substation has a Cisco ASA 5512x firewall facing the ISP switch and a Cisco 3850 Layer 2/3 switch behind it representing the bus network and containing the Advanced Substation Platform (substation logic in a box). Each bus switch is connected to another Cisco 3850 Layer 2/3 switch, representing the field network by connecting the field equipment electric vehicle charger, electric storage, and photovoltaic simulator, which represents a solar array) to the two substations. The testbed uses the Open Shortest Path First routing protocol.

Power Systems Use Case Description:

The research platform supports distribution grid management use cases, such as Auto-Sectionalizing and Restoration, volt/VAR optimization, electric vehicle charging with demand response, photovoltaic smoothing with electric storage, and frequency regulation with electric storage. These use cases are supported by the Advanced Substation Platform in each substation via built-in software modules communicating with field equipment via the Modbus TCP protocol. The Advanced Substation Platform in each substation communicates with the enterprise information system via a proprietary protocol. The enterprise information system communicates with the DMS via the Distributed Network Protocol version 3 (DNP3). With these power system use cases, this testbed represents the complete ecosystem of a typical distribution utility’s IT, OT and management system.

Cyber-Security Architecture Description:

The testbed is secured by the following controls:

  1. The enterprise firewall is configured for VPN access through role-based access control, requiring unique login credentials for each user, and restricting access to specific nodes of the testbed based on their specific role.
  2. Reflexive access control lists are set up to allow OT nodes to send notifications and files to the IT VLAN and receive acknowledgments. But no unilateral communication is allowed from the IT VLAN to the OT VLAN or management VLAN under any circumstances. This allows IT/OT convergence to occur to support the distribution grid management application, but without compromising the OT VLAN nodes by IT VLAN traffic that may contain inside threats, or viruses and other malware from the internet.
  3. Bi-directional data can be transmitted between the enterprise station and each substation in the IT VLAN, between the enterprise station and each substation in the OT VLAN, and between the enterprise station and each substation in the management VLAN. However, no data can be sent or received between the two substations.
  4. All Cisco Layer 2/3 switches (bus and field) are configured with “sticky” specification, which locks the media access control (MAC) address of legitimate nodes to unique interfaces of the switch. If the device is removed from the interface, it cannot be re-attached unless the switch interface is re-enabled. Unauthorized MAC addresses cannot connect to any enabled interface. All unused interfaces on each switch are disabled by configuration to minimize unauthorized access by insider threat.
  5. The most recent security patches and software upgrades have been applied on each server, to minimize software vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers.
  6. Strong authentication—which is difficult to break with password cracking tools—has been enforced on each testbed node.

The research platform uses BlackRidge TACS to provide in-line blocking to protect the enterprise information system and the two Advanced Substation Platforms. This technology inserts tokens (four-second life) in each TCP segment header of data at the point of origin using an in-line appliance and authenticates it on another in-line appliance next to the target node for the data to ensure that only data from authorized nodes are exchanged in the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. This limits the possibility of unauthorized access by third party users or systems and provides an effective block against distributed denial of service attacks of any magnitude (can scale up to 10 GB throughput verification of data traffic).

In-line blocking is also provided by the SecLab Denelis platform to prevent unauthorized access to field equipment on the Modbus TCP server. The SecLab device is a hardware layer filter that strips all header information from each data packet and verifies that the payload consists of only authentic commands from a legitimate source before forwarding it to the Modbus TCP Server, and vice versa. The SecLab device ensures the physical segregation of the network and will block network layer attacks through packet dis-assembly and assembly.

Three situational awareness tools are connected via taps located on the enterprise and substation racks.

  • The first is Albeado PRISM, which provides business process layer security by comparing data at the enterprise and the substation to ensure consistency across multiple data protocols. Data fuzzing would be easily detected with this tool.
  • The second is N-Dimension’s N-Sentinel, which is an enhanced form of the open source Snort Intrusion Detection System, which can decipher power systems protocols—such as DNP3, Modbus TCP and International Electrotechnical Commission standard 61850—and identify anomalies in them caused by malware, hacker attack, data fuzzing schemes and system errors. The N-Sentinel appliances are connected via the internet to the cloud where malware signatures and other there at information is available from the classified side for continuous threat monitoring capability.
  • The third is NexDefense Integrity, which provides network anomaly detection capability by tracking all the simultaneous TCP sessions that are active in the research platform and providing a visualization capability on a computer screen to allow quick and effective identification of unnecessary or unauthorized communications and application layer protocols.

Additionally, there is a hardware-based file filter provided by SecLab that checks all files from peripheral devices before allowing them to be saved on the testbed server. This is an effective type of mitigation for Stuxnet type virus proliferation across the air gap. The SecLab filter can be kept as a standalone device in the lab or inserted discreetly in the server chassis with a regular USB interface exposed to the outside. Any peripheral device attached to the USB port of the SecLab filter will be scanned for malware-ridden software before permitting the server to copy any files from it. This is critically important to protect high-value digital assets from insider threats or negligent employees introducing malware into the IT or OT environment with malware-ridden peripheral devices such as thumb drives, laptops and mobile devices.

Codenomicon/Synopsys has a “Static Code Analyzer” tool that inspects software code as it is being developed to identify vulnerabilities resulting from poor coding techniques. Codenomicon/Synopsys also has Protecode SCM, which performs the same function as Static Code Analyzer on third party software and also verifies that there are no “back door” routines in the software that can be exploited in a production environment. Finally, Codenomicon/Synopsys also has “Defensics” which is a powerful data-fuzzing tool to test how resilient applications are to dealing with adulterated data.


Two months open research platform from inside and outside the research platform did not result in a successful exploit or compromise of any system. The NREL cyber-physical systems security and resilience research platform has therefore demonstrated the value of layered security in protecting against a variety of thre at vectors (internal and external to an organization) and proven that “off the shelf” cybersecurity technologies today, combined with sound cybersecurity management principles, can successfully protect the enterprise from these threats. The assistance that enterprises need today is in developing a sound cybersecurity architecture based on business applications running across multiple sites, and on profiles of end-users, to minimize vulnerabilities that can be exploited. NREL’s Cyber-Physical Systems Security & Resilience Center is uniquely qualified to provide this support, given its experience with the distribution grid management research platform, and years of practical experience in the electric utility industry.

Dr. Erfan Ibrahim is a research advisor and acting director for Cyber-Physical Systems Security & Resilience R&D at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory n Golden, Colorado. Ibrahim works with the public and private sector to identify security requirements, evaluate cybersecurity standards, test cybersecurity controls and determine residual risk in smart networks in electric, water, and oil and gas. He serves as the liaison from NREL to the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE) at Cybersecurity for Energy Delivery Systems (CEDS). He also serves on the cybersecurity and resilience team within the Grid Modernization Lab Consortium for the Energy Department.

Ibrahim led the industry consensus building exercise in the National Institute of Standards Technology (NIST Smart Grid Interoperability Roadmap project in 2009 and also led the National Electric Sector Cybersecurity Organization Resources (NESCOR) project for the Energy Department during 2010-2011, while serving as a Technical Executive in the Intelligrid Program at Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). Ibrahim has a bachelor’s degree in physics from Syracuse University, a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Texas Austin, and a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering from the University of California Berkeley.