March 28, 2025

The AER Issues an Environmental Protection Order for Imperial's Kearl Oil Sands Project

February 10, 2023

An Environmental Protection Order (EPO) was issued February 6, 2023, by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) to Imperial Oil Limited (Imperial) in response to two containment incidents at the Kearl Oil Sands Project (Kearl). Kearl is an Imperial owned and operated oil sands site in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region of Alberta, 45 kilometres northeast of Fort McKay. 

The AER has issued the EPO ordering Imperial to contain the releases and develop and submit plans for wildlife protection, environmental remediation, and public notification. The EPO can be found here.

The first incident, reported earlier in 2022, involves industrial wastewater seeping from the External Tailings Area in four locations both on and outside the boundaries of the Kearl site. At this time, there are no public impacts.

Prior to the issuing of the Order, the AER issued two notices of non-compliance, conducted site inspections and assessments and required Imperial to monitor and sample wastewater and submit results to the AER. The AER also worked with Imperial to commence the installation of additional seepage wells and delineation groundwater wells along the perimeter of the site.

In a separate, second incident, also at the Kearl site, Imperial reported an uncontrolled release of industrial wastewater from an overflow drainage pond, that occurred on Saturday, February 4, 2023. The spill volume initial estimate is 5,300 m3.

Provisions in the EPO address both incidents.

At this time, no impacts to wildlife have been reported in relation to either incident.

An EPO is a compliance order designed to prevent, stop, or mitigate adverse environmental impacts or risks to public safety, and ensure responsible resource development and must be completed within prescribed deadlines.

It is Imperial's responsibility to manage these incidents and prepare action plans according to EPO stipulations. The AER will hold the operator to account in completing the work, including effective measures for wildlife deterrents, cleanup, and remediation of any impacts to the environment.

Alberta's Energy Regulator will enforce both the mitigation and remediation actions required to fully resolve these issues. The Government of Alberta sets standards and conditions of approval for licensees and the AER's mandate is to ensure that companies operate within those requirements. Imperial is accountable to now complete and publicly communicate their strategy to attend to this matter.

The AER has investigations underway, and no further statements will be made at this time.

For more information