- Environmental mandates
- Variable energy resources
- Regulatory policies
- Modeling around uncertainty
The conference will blend presentations from utilities, state regulatory staff/commissioners, non-utility SMEs, service providers and other resource planning gurus from all over North America. Case studies will provide a solid survey of “best practices” thinking and methodologies by a full range of utilities and subject matter experts, and feature panels will draw out collaborative concepts for further consideration and implementation.
Learning Outcomes
Attendees will gain practical skills and insights on how to:
- Develop resource plans that incorporate the full palette of supply and demand options
- Describe how IRP planners can analyze, model and incorporate DERs and storage in IRPs
- Identify how to properly account for all variables when analyzing, modeling and planning portfolio decisions
- Determine the value of portfolio flexibility for resource planning and market operations
- Consider the range of inputs that future resource decisions should incorporate to map a pathway for attainment of carbon-free generation resource outcomes
- Evaluate the portfolio effects of high penetration renewable energy resources in production cost models
- Examine the preparation of IRP documentation with regulatory and stakeholder review and engagement in mind