March 8, 2025

2012 IEEE Power & Energy Society Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition
Making Innovation Work for Tomorrow | Experience It!


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It is our pleasure to invite you to attend and participate in the 2012 IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition. You should come prepared for a riveting, thought-provoking and memorable experience.

This Conference and Exposition will deliver the most significant, pure technical information for power and energy professionals. It will also provide opportunities for industry leaders to exchange ideas on technological trends and best practices. Bookmark this page for details on the Opening and Super Sessions, and panel and poster sessions as they become available.

In the exhibit hall you can interact with attendees from around the world and be exposed to the latest innovations and technologies from the most informed manufacturers and service providers across a broad spectrum of product categories. View this impressive list here and plan your visit.

To complement your knowledge-building experience, attendees are invited to get on board any of the technical tours that will visit some of the area’s most advanced technological sites and facilities.

Check the Schedule at a Glance for the many networking and social events. The kick-off is the Opening Reception, a Celebration of Fabulous Florida in the Fifties. Note too, the new Poster Session Reception has been added on Wednesday.

Register today, we are waiting to welcome you!

The Orlando Local Organizing Committee

Co-host utilities, OUC (Orlando Utilities Commission) a municipal utility, owned by the citizens of Orlando and Progress Energy. 

IEEE PES T&D Exhibitor List (as of 4/10/12)

Exhibiting As Booth
(ITEC) Instrument Transformer Equipment Corporation 2548
(Melec) Shanghai Jiameng Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd 4348
(WEGAI) W. E. Gundy & Associates, Inc 1956
3M Electrical Products 835
A. Eberle GmbH & Co. KG 2893
AA Labels and Decals / Art Advertising Inc 1962
ABB Inc 1317
ABIEGA (Electromecanicas Abiega, S.A.) 238
Action Manufacturing, Inc 4077
Aditya Birla Insulators (a unit of Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd.) 470
Advanced Cable Bus 528
Advanced Power Technologies 562
Advanced Rubber Products, Inc 911
AECI Specialty Transformer 2955
AEM Cores Pty Ltd 281
AEMC Instruments 702
Aerial Cartographics of America, Inc 526
Aerotec 4470
AFL 3555
AGS Anti-Galloping Solutions 1103
Albarrie GeoComposites Ltd 1302
Alcad Standby Batteries 692
Alcan Cable 4455
Algonquin Industries, a division of Rea Magnet Wire 555
Allied Bolt, Inc 3272
All-Pro Fasteners, Inc 2395
Almetek Industries, Inc 3066
Alpha Industrial Power 3766
Alpine Power Systems 4297
Alstom Grid 1149
Altran Solutions Corporation 4283
Aluma-Form, Inc 753
Aluminum Fastener Supply Co. Inc 4442
Alumoclad de Mexico, a division of Copper Clad SA de CV 3649
Ambient Corporation 287
AmerCable Inc 2076
America Asia Group Co 1504
American Electrical Testing Co., Inc 3171
American Polywater Corporation 1604
American Wind Energy Association 1002
AMETEK Power Instruments 4570
Ampirical Solutions, LLC 3475
Amran Instrument Transformers 3162
AMSC-American Superconductor 1580
Anderson Trucking Service 3445
ANDERSON, a Division of Hubbell Power Systems 1643
APP Engineering, Inc 4083
Arbiter Systems, Inc 3081
Arch Wood Protection, Inc 691
ARCOS, Inc 3951
ARGA Controls, a Division of Electroswitch 802
Arteche 735
Artistic Plating Company 4046
ASAT Solutions Inc 3943
Ashida Electronics Pvt. Ltd 787
Ask Products Inc 1470
AT&M International Trading Co., Ltd 2583
Auger Services, a Division of Air2, LLC 788