March 31, 2025

Trends in Field Information Technology

by Jim Hargis, har*GIS LLC
If you are involved with field service, operations or maintenance, you have undoubtedly noticed the recent advances in field force automation systems. With mobile systems evolving at breakneck speed, it is important to understand how these technologies could affect your company. Even if you recently implemented a field application, newer technologies can render an existing system obsolete. This article summarizes some critical field information technology changes that will impact your field automation projects.
The widespread availability of hand-held computers, wireless communications and location-based services enables many new opportunities for field force automation. Hardware continues to grow more powerful and less expensive every year. But, how can the industry take advantage of these tools to improve customer service, increase efficiency, and obtain a competitive advantage in today’s environment? Understanding the basic limits and trends of field information technology can help.
Field crews are the “front line” of customer service. Field user groups include service, dispatching, construction, operations, maintenance, engineering, and delivery. Field users require large amounts of dynamic spatial data, such as job locations, addresses, equipment locations, operating status, trouble calls, crew locations, service records and facility records. Fieldwork can be pre-scheduled work, or dispatched “on-call”. Field automation for an electric utility includes a very broad set of applications including Work Management, Trouble Call, Outage Restoration, GIS, Customer Requirements Management, Asset Management, Computer Aided Dispatching, and Switching. A field information system provides field crews with a common platform for mobile hardware, applications, data and communications so they can be more effective and efficient.

Figure 1, "Field Information System Architecture" summarizes a generic field information system. Field crews use mobile hardware (field information technology), such as truck mounted or hand held equipment. Crews communicate with dispatching, corporate records and other crews. Dispatch centers provide supervision, scheduling, coordination, control and real-time information. Lastly, many other corporate systems (such as CIS, work management, mapping, outage management, GIS) can provide (or receive) field information to/from the dispatcher and field crews.

The technologies used by field information systems can support several field force applications, corporate systems, and field clients. However a particular application does not require all of the above components. For instance, communication and facilities information might be via hardcopy (job packets). A mobile application is not necessarily a wireless application.
Previous articles in Electric Energy have discussed handheld GIS technology, selecting a field automation system, mobile GIS and wireless GIS. In addition, describes field information system software, and offers additional papers. In this article, we will summarize the major changes that have recently occurred in field information technology. Beware that technology is changing rapidly, so all information is subject to change without notice.

What is Field Information Technology?

“Field Information Technology” refers to the hardware-related components of field information systems that support mobile field users, systems, applications, and data. Field information technology includes the building blocks for a variety of field force automation applications. The field information technologies we discuss here include handheld computers, wireless communications, GPS, Internet services, and spatial databases.

Figure 2, Handheld Field Information Technologies

Figure 2 illustrates several field technologies, including a pocket computer, wireless communications, local storage of facility records data, and GPS. All of these components may not be used in a particular application, but each technology creates many opportunities for change and improvement in field operations. Any one of these technologies might be touted as a system; but we believe that the integration of field technologies is a major trend in the industry.

Table 1 lists some selected suppliers of various components described in the following sections.

Table 1, Technology Suppliers

Technology Type  Representative Suppliers 
(all brands are trademarked by the supplier)
Mobile Computers 

Palm PDA: Palm Pilot, Handspring, Visor, Sony Clie, and others.
CE, HPC, PPC: Compaq iPAQ, HP Jornada, Casio, Panasonic Toughbook 01, Hitachi, NEC MobilePro, Fujitsu, Intermec, many others. Field PC: Itronix, Husky, Walkabout, Panasonic Toughbook, Fujitsu, Xplore, others.
Wireless Data Services Providers: AT&T Wireless, Cingular Wireless, Verizon, Sprint, VoiceStream. Modems: Sierra Wireless, Spyder, Merlin.
Smart Phones: Ericsson, Nokia, Handspring, Kyocera, Samsung, and PC-Ephone.
Handheld GPS Receivers: Garmin, Pharos, Magellan, Trimble.
Chips: Sirf, Qualcomm, Motorola, Snaptrak, Rockwell.
Spatial Data Street Networks: Navigation Technologies, Geographic Data Technology, TeleAtlas. RDBMS: Oracle8 Spatial Data Cartridge, Informix Illustra Spatial Data Blade.

Mobile Computers: PDA, PPC, HPC and PC

A field application has a choice of a variety of mobile computer platforms. With the ever-increasing performance and reduced cost of computing, such a decision is becoming more about usability rather than hardware. In the past the only option was a ruggedized notebook PC; today’s technology offers a broad range of devices that can be “right-sized” to the job: Personal Digital Assistants (PDA), Handheld PC (HPC), Pen Tablet computers (CE and PC), and ruggedized Notebook PC (Table 1). The biggest news in mobile computing is the successful third generation of powerful, Windows CE based computers.
Palm OS computers dominate low end PDAs, with over 80% of the installed units. These are designed for ‘personal productivity’ features, and also support some useful “single function” field applications, such as field data entry and automobile navigation. These devices range from $200-$600 with limited memory and expandability. In the author’s opinion, these consumer-oriented devices currently lack the power required for more general-purpose field information systems, but that may change in the coming year.
In the last few months, the newest Windows CE computers, called “PocketPC” and “HandheldPC Professional” have taken significant sales away from Palm systems, particularly in enterprise applications. These tiny wonders add several enterprise integration features to the PDA, provide high-performance 200-Mhz processors, 64 MB memory, up to 10-inch color touch-screens, wireless communications, handwriting recognition, keyboard, digital cameras, voice and video recording and playback, and removable secure digital storage. There are very few field systems (Figure 2) that actually share software between Windows CE and Windows PC computers; software must be developed specifically for CE or Palm. CE computers, CE Tablets, and “web pads” are a fraction of the cost of comparable notebook computers, ranging from $400 to $1900 depending on form factor and screen size. A complete system for 10 to 100 units, including CE hardware, wireless, GPS, customizing and server software, can range from $30,000 to $200,000. For a complete list of CE devices see:
In the past, a ruggedized notebook or customized tablet PC was the only mobile computer available, and these dominated the installed field technology base. Ruggedized notebooks are significantly more expensive than PDA’s, currently $2,000 to $6,000, and regular notebooks are often confined to inside a truck. Several customized field automation systems are available on these platforms, ranging from tabular (non-graphic) work management systems to full-fledged field design and estimating. Because these systems require specialized consulting and programming, mobile PC based field information systems tend to be more expensive on a per-user basis. A complete project for 100 units, including all mobile hardware, server applications software and customizing frequently range upwards of a couple million dollars.
Recently, new Pen Tablet PC running Windows XP software have joined ruggedized notebooks. These devices offer CE mobility and most of the PC software compatibility, starting at $2,000. Obviously these computers will be a popular alternative to a low-end field PC. In the last year a few manufacturers have introduced “wearable” computers ranging from the size of a wristwatch to belt-mounted PC computers, but these are not widely adopted for field information systems.
“Smart phones” represent a new class of mobile equipment that combines cellular phones and a small PDA. Smart phones range from $500-$1,000, and one is available with GPS. Smart phones are widely used outside the US. Some smart phones have many web-based apps available via wireless Internet connectivity. A similar trend is adding cell-phone peripherals to a high-end PDA.
According to the editor of Pen Computing magazine, “It is therefore no surprise that the [computer] industry increasingly looks to PDAs and other alternate computing and communication devices as the next big thing, the next area of massive growth and revenue…global PDA sales should be about 33 million PDAs in 2004”. In economic terms, PDA and HPC technology can drastically change project cost-benefit profiles, and may render obsolete many existing field information systems.

Wireless Digital Communications

Wireless digital communications is useful option for field users: a mobile application might not use wireless data. But connecting a handheld computer to a host computer offers tremendous productivity and convenience gains for field automation. Voice cellular radio, file transfer,
CD-ROM, and “docking” to local area networks are being replaced with wireless digital connections available from several providers (Table 1).
The two biggest factors to consider for wireless digital technology are the coverage within your service territory, and the speed (bandwidth). The availability, coverage and performance of today’s wireless wide area networks range from spotty to mediocre. Generally, some kind of wireless digital is available in most metropolitan areas but not in most rural areas. Field technology should support standalone capabilities independent of access to communications or web-based servers.
The most commonly used wireless data service in North America is CDPD, Cellular Digital Packet Data (see Table 2). CDPD provides 19.2 Kbps data links deployed on the same towers as traditional cell phone service. Typical costs range from $9/mo. (metered) to $55/mo. (unlimited data). Digital wireless data can also be provided by CDMA and GSM (Table 2) in a few locations.
Higher speed communications, referred to as 2_ G and 3 G, has been widely predicted for years. In North America this technology was delayed by lack of radio spectrum licenses, requirement for large capital investment, disagreement on technology standards, and several bankrupt providers. During the coming 12 months we will finally see the deployment of competing 3G wireless services in a few areas. Verizon announced a pilot rollout using CDMA, and AT&T announced pilot using GSM.
As an alternative to public network providers, utilities and states can deploy high frequency digital wireless radio systems, which can support private data networks up to 19.2 kbps. There are a number of small engineering groups providing 900-Mhz spread-spectrum (cellular) digital wireless, but the majority seems to be using systems manufactured by Motorola. Many companies have adopted a ‘carrier RF’ voice system from Nextel, which provides an instant-voice communication, but doesn’t support data communications. Another possibility is satellite communications services, used by large fleets and some manufacturers.
Wireless local area networks are widely available in the form of wireless Ethernet, or 802.11b, offering over 10 Mbps speed for less than $300 per unit. These can be used for wireless ‘docking’ of a vehicle in a truck yard to a field service computer, even some hotels and airports.

Table 2, Common Wireless Cellular Standards in North America

AMPSAdvanced Mobile Phone Service The original analog voice cellular telephone system for North and South America. Modem speeds from 1,200 to 9,600 bps (bits per second), billed by time usage(dial-up, circuit switched), just like a voice call.
TDMATime Division Multiplexed AccessThis is the prevailing North American digital cellular phone standard deployed today. Voice is digitized and three voice channels fit into the spectrum previously used for one analog channel. GSM is also a TDMA system. Deployment of data service is limited.
PCSPersonal Communications ServicesA cellular communication infrastructure that uses a different frequency range than AMPS.
GSMGlobal System for Mobile communicationsPioneered as a European standard, GSM phones are compatible world wide, but limited US overage. GSM is available in North America as one of the PCS standards at 9.6 Kbps. There is a 3G standard available being tested.
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio ServiceDigital packet data communications for GSM.
CDPDCellular Digital Packet DataAn all-digital technology using Internet Protocol, CDPD offers low cost data services up to 19.2 Kbps in many major metropolitan areas. CDPD operates over existing cellular towers, sends data packets that are expanded with an Internet router and sent over landlines. The most widespread digital service available in the US.
CDMACode Division Multiple AccessCurrently at 14.4 Kbps. Several incompatible 3G variations. 1xRTT will support up to 144 Kbps at US locations in 2002 in the US. Standards have not yet selected a standard for the higher speeds (W-CDMA, CDMA2000).
WAPWireless Applications ProtocolWorks with GSM to provide a packet switched service to interface IP with GSM modem. WAP focused on limited text smart-phone applications, rather than general digital links like CDPD.

Global Positioning System

The US Department of Defense maintains a constellation of 24 satellites that provide worldwide navigation information to GPS receivers. The receiver’s position on Earth is determined by triangulation of the signals received from the satellites, using a very high precision clock. When four satellite signals are available, the receiver can calculate a 3-dimensional position, including altitude.
The positional accuracy of GPS varies widely, from consumer grade, navigational grade, and survey grade. Position is calculated more accurately when more signals are received (up to a maximum of 12 channels). Signals can be obscured or degraded by buildings, foliage, atmospheric distortion, clock errors, moving vehicles, and government imposed Selective Availability (or SA, which has been eliminated). The result is that a standard hand-held GPS can now provide up to 5-10 meter accuracy in ideal conditions. These have made navigational-grade GPS a “standard peripheral” for PDA’s and field information systems alike.
GPS options can improve this accuracy. Differential GPS (DGPS) uses local ground reference signals to correct these errors to 1 to 5 meters. Post processing software can reduce errors to a few centimeters. The new Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) uses correction data sent by another satellite to reduce error to less than 3 meters. GPS satellites also have higher accuracy signals available for military use only.
GPS-enabled field applications include surveying, moving street maps, navigation and hiking maps, automated vehicle location, even traffic updates. Higher accuracy truck-mounted systems range from $1,000 to $3,000 installed, and some GPS are available in luxury automobiles. Survey grade ‘back-pack’ GPS range upwards of $4,000. Internet-based tracking services are available: for a monthly fee, you can track a GPS-enabled wireless device and display its location on a map in the Internet! There is even a GPS network used by amateur-radio operators.

Spatial Databases

Commercial database management vendors now support 2-dimensional GIS data. A few specialized “Spatial Data Engine” applications can provide GIS data management overlaid on variety of existing databases. The Open GIS Committee is developing standards for GIS related software. Lastly, the world wide web Extendable Markup Language (XML) specification called GML was introduced to support exchange of geographic data.
During the last year, commercial street network databases have continued to expand coverage and improve accuracy. Low cost street network databases now provide detail addressing and driving directions to almost anywhere in the US and Canada (table 1). You can access these for free from the Internet, or loaded onto mobile and handheld computers. There are a number of federal and state/provincial data sources with varying accuracy, such as Census Bureau TIGER data and USGS digital quad sheets. Several metropolitan areas and transportation authorities in North America share their high-accuracy land and facilities. The price of a commercial street network database ranges from free to a couple of hundred dollars per user, based on the quality, accuracy, timeliness and geographic area involved.
Several companies offer high-resolution resolution satellite imagery. Several GIS provide viewers for aerial and satellite imagery. A few web-based map-servers are available, but these may be proprietary to a specific GIS vendor and support only limited formats.


Field information technology — hand-held computers, wireless data communications, GPS, and spatial data — is drastically reducing costs and improving functionality of field force automation projects. Field information system costs have dropped to less than $2,000, including hand-held computer, wireless communications, GPS, and spatial data. With field information technology, companies can close the ‘“information loop”, providing field users with the real-time job information they need, when they need it.
Historically, integrated field force automation projects have been expensive and time consuming, requiring a dozen man-years and millions of dollars to customize and deploy a couple of hundred mobile units. New standards-based software components are now available to integrate multiple “ad-hoc” solutions and reduce the impact of rapid technological obsolescence.

About the Author

Jim Hargis is the president of har*GIS LLC of Centennial, Colorado. har*GIS offers productivity tools for field workers, the TruckMap* line of field information systems, and consulting services for utilities and local governments. Mr. Hargis has over 30 years of experience in designing, developing, managing and deploying geo-spatial projects for the electric, gas, telecommunications and local government organizations. His degrees include BS Physics from Rice University, and MBA from University of Denver. Hargis has contributed many papers and reports on geo-spatial technologies, and was awarded a patent for automatic map generation. Geographic Information Technology Association (GITA) recognized Mr. Hargis as a ‘Pioneer’ in the industry.

You can contact Mr. Hargis at