October 9, 2024

Training Operators for the Future – What's the Big Deal?

by Wes Losh and Jill Russell, The Mosaic Company

Understanding the primary role of distribution operators has been consistent for a long time: That role is to "dynamically make decisions that support keeping the lights on and safely protecting the crew and the public." The how of what distribution operators do, however, is a different story.

Constant enhancement of technology, tools and techniques has simultaneously helped operators do their jobs and made their jobs more complicated.

Why should we reshape operator training?

Keeping control room operators aligned with industry innovations is critical. Continual changes in electric networks, control room technologies and associated work processes make the need for updated and ongoing training content and methods inevitable. It is not sufficient to onboard new controllers and assume they are ready for the present and the future. A control room operator team with the right knowledge and skills is a good and necessary foundation. Still, ongoing training is required to keep your controllers up-to-date and to hire and retain the best resources.

Where have we been?

Electric companies have been keeping the lights on in one way or another since the late 1800s. Over time, the distribution operator's role has become more complicated as electrical generation, transmission and distribution have become increasingly widespread and complex.

In the last several decades, the distribution operator’s focus has been primarily on reacting to the electrical distribution system and answering the following questions:

  • How do you prioritize and manage the distribution system for planned and unplanned work?
  • What is the cause of an outage?
  • When does a situation require switching?
  • Where does the field personnel need to go, and what do they need to do?

Experienced distribution operators can answer those questions and have significant skills for providing fairly stable electrical power to customers – whether using paper-based maps of the past, the more recent electronic boards or today's complex computer systems. Operator training typically involves sitting next to an experienced operator and learning the role over time, frequently for several years. Operator tasks have broadened to include, but are not limited to:

  • Operating supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems and devices.
  • Responding to and managing SCADA alarms.
  • Switching substation and field devices to isolate problems and re-route electricity.
  • Restoring outages.
  • Responding to emergencies.


As electrical distribution systems become more sophisticated, electric utility companies purchase advanced distribution management systems (ADMS) to handle the increased complexity. Areas of growing complexity include distributed generation (such as renewable energy sources: solar and wind) and novel industry technologies (such as smart meters and smart devices that continually relay information). These changes require operators to have investigative responsibilities, in addition to their operational duties. For example, knowledge of Fault Location Isolation and Service Restoration (FLISR) and Volt Var Optimization (VVo) and the ability to perform simulation studies in a duplicate training system are just a few of the new analytical expectations placed on operators.

Though these advanced technologies have been a part of transmission system management for a while, distribution operators rarely dealt with allocating energy resources or renewables coming onto the system. These ever-changing conditions result in shifting and increasing operator responsibilities, including enhanced duties, complex technical tasks, updated business processes and the need to continually learn new knowledge and skill competencies.

What makes a successful operator?

Current-day operators need to incorporate their day-to-day control room activities with the new advanced tools and methods, combining electrical network knowledge with an enhanced understanding of ADMS. Consider the advanced applications that go beyond knowing how electrical devices and networks work, such as:

  • Emergency voltage reduction
  • Distribution system demand response
  • Peak shaving
  • Self-healing team devices and/or FLISR
  • Power flow (load flow) results and management
  • Load and voltage profile
  • Volt VAr optimization

Structured on-the-job training (OJT), where a trainee sits and learns beside a seasoned operator, will continue to be an essential part of control room operations. It is best suited for general workflow and utility-specific control room processes. However, this training method is no longer enough to effectively and efficiently train an operator across the full set of required knowledge, skills and responsibilities.


Where is operator training heading?

Utility companies realize that OJT only exposes trainees to things that happen on the desk. It does not provide enough depth and breadth of information and experiences for new operators to learn the full job or experienced operators to meet continuing education requirements.

Advanced systems include a network simulator environment, such as an Operator Training Simulator (OTS). Developing and providing training in a simulation environment supports the current training requirements and accommodates future distribution operator situations. Simulators help operators gain knowledge and perfect the skills required to manage the electric distribution system during real-time operations in normal and emergency conditions.

Training simulators provide experiences with various real-life scenarios, advanced switching orders and system emergencies. Knowledge from a seasoned operator can be made clear and transferred to trainees through well-developed simulator training activities that include scenarios based on operators’ past experiences.

Not every operator has all of the knowledge and skills to handle all situations. Utilities need to staff operators who can handle day-to-day situations and those who can proactively manage complex conditions. A well-thought-out training program advances operator trainees from electrical basics through planned and emergency distribution operations and beyond – to the point of advanced technical knowledge, data analytics and associated decision-making skills. A control room that can sustain an ever-learning workforce through inevitable knowledge gaps (new hires and changing technologies) and knowledge loss (natural attrition) is nimble and better prepared to handle whatever comes along.

How can we continually improve performance?

Training new hires and quick progression to an acceptable competency level is a common concern. However, ongoing training of seasoned operators also can be challenging. Consider the following:

  • Are your operators interested in new technologies and processes?
  • Are they interested in training in general?
  • Will they retain the knowledge learned in the training room and apply it back in the control room?
  • Is your training system set up to handle technology changes?
  • Do you have the means to provide on-the-job performance support (such as job aids and seasoned coaches)?
  • Does your OJT program result in consistent, accurate and efficient training?

Current and future operators need to spend a significant amount of time in the training environment experiencing the pressure of responding to unexpected events. A common problem is a lack of training for unforeseen circumstances that catch an operator off-guard. It is challenging to train for those rare but crucial situations during OJT. Training simulators can recreate and replay many variations of these events through training scenarios.

It is important to remember that adults often learn best through trial and error, along with hands-on training. Making mistakes in the simulator environment is worry-free. In fact, making mistakes can be very educational by highlighting

what-if conditions and results. Without a simulator, operators miss out on many valuable lessons learned that could negatively affect real-time operations, resulting in unexpected outages, damaged equipment or unsafe work practices – with possibly severe and dangerous consequences. The ability to review, adjust and repeat operational scenarios provides engaging and useful training and results in confident and experienced operators.

Using a training simulator often reduces new operator training time from years to months – with improved results. The reduced time to competency results in knowledgeable trainees available to fill shifts quicker. Post-training, structured OJT programs with high-quality and relevant support tools (e.g., job aids and references) provide consistent, well-coached situations. A broad-based training program also provides refresher training to sharpen and maintain critical skills for seasoned operators – lessening the loss of knowledge and skills for infrequent but critical operating conditions.


How has the pandemic affected operator training?

Hiring and training more than a few new operators or providing enhancement training for several experienced operators all at the same time is rare. Most utilities have staggered new hire training schedules based on staff attrition, control room staff growth, career growth opportunities and training progression. The typically small numbers of concurrent trainees are helpful when COVID-based restrictions, such as limited people in one room, spacing requirements and sanitation of shared training and work stations, are in place.

Training conceptual information is supported through a variety of training technologies, including presentations (which can be in person or virtual with online meetings and webinars) and self-study modes (such as computer/web-based training, reading and videos). These training methods can support learning concepts such as basic facts, ideas and rules without close contact between instructors and trainees.

More complex training goals, such as analysis, evaluation and creating new solutions, are better supported with more structured guidance and the ability to practice. Fortunately, many advanced training methodologies can be administered within the constraints of COVID-related restrictions. For example, structured OJT is typically a 1:1 mentor to student ratio supported by performance support systems and tools (e.g., job aids, checklists, online help, etc.). Training simulation systems are ideal for analysis and applying what-if scenarios while minimizing person-to-person contact. Many of these systems even allow an instructor to observe trainee interactions from a separate console. Immersion training, 3-D modeling, advanced virtual reality (VR) and enhanced reality (ER) systems take these simulations to the next level with realistic visuals and system responses to a trainee’s actions. They also provide fantastic coaching opportunities for instructors.

Not every utility has the training support, timeline and budget for 100 percent simulation and immersion training. However, a broad range of training methods, from the simple to the advanced, and a willingness to think outside of the box for training solutions, can result in very effective training even with constraints such as COVID safety practices.

Wes Losh is a grid operations industry expert with The Mosaic Company. His career includes 20+ years of extensive experience in distribution operation control centers at several major utilities. His experience and ability to problem solve and adapt to new systems led to expertise in developing and executing training and improving operations.



Jill Russell is a senior consultant with The Mosaic Company. Her career includes 30+ years of consulting within regulated industries and utilities. She has vast experience in training analysis and strategy and the design, development and delivery of advanced technical curricula and the corresponding change management.