March 8, 2025

LightsOn: Unitil Empowers Customers with the Latest Web Tools

by Cindy Carroll, Director-Business Development and Justin Eisfeller, Director-Energy Measurement & Control, Unitil
According to recent reports by the International Energy Agency and United States Energy Information Administration, global energy demand is expected to increase approximately 36 percent1 and U.S. demand is anticipated to grow more than 30 percent2 by the year 2035. Responding to this trend, utilities and energy suppliers are placing increasing emphasis on energy efficiency, developing innovative programs to conserve usage and implementing strict new measures to reduce the environmental impacts from added power consumption. The advent of Smart Grid technology heralds yet another avenue for managing an exponentially growing power grid.

While science, technology and business systems are central to widespread efficiency efforts, customer participation is equally important to their success. After all, experts at Lux Research3 predict there will be nine times the Smart Grid data in 2020 that there is today. This will cause actively engaged participants to ensure that energy initiatives work. Residential and business customers alike will be pivotal to the research and analysis that power suppliers will need to improve, expand and sustain energy efficiency systems.

And yet, many customers remain slow to adopt energy efficiency measures, a phenomenon blamed by industry experts on both a lack of technology awareness and ease of use – or the absence thereof. Increasing energy efficiency program adoption rates will require customers that fully understand the value of such programs. Even more important is that it will challenge users to willingly redesign and sustain new energy consumption habits.

Knowledge is Power

Unitil – a Hampton, New Hampshire based provider of natural gas and electricity to both business and residential customers throughout New England – has long recognized the value of an informed and collaborative role for its customers. As a leading adopter of innovative energy efficiency technologies, Unitil knows that the long-term success of any new energy efficiency programs is in the hands and minds of its customers. At the same time, Unitil fully understands the need to communicate openly and continuously with its customers, and to provide them with ready access to tools that make a difference.

A new survey of more than 7,600 commercial gas customers and 55 utilities by J.D. Power and Associates4 points to an alarming trend, scoring declining satisfaction with utility communications, especially around energy savings programs via websites, as being lower than satisfaction with price for the first time in six years.

Unitil’s redesigned website applies advanced Web strategies to enhance site efficiency, functionality and usability. Most importantly, the company designed the new site from a customer’s perspective, asking and then answering the question, “What do I need to know to make my home or commercial energy use more convenient, comfortable and affordable?” New technologies, new thinking and a collaborative and interactive business process – all focused on improving the overall user experience and boosting customer participation – are already making a difference.

The new Unitil site actively reflects the company’s core commitment to energy efficiency and the increased comfort, productivity and affordability it brings customers of all types. And as a portal to expansive energy and financial tools and information, it reinforces the value of energy efficiency to the environment, strategic energy security and economic growth. Day in and day out, the site is a versatile working partner for customers seeking the right technologies, services and maintenance solutions for their homes or businesses.

Content Counts

Unitil developed its new site with Drupal, an open-source content management platform that powers millions of websites and applications for diverse local and global businesses. The company selected Drupal for a number of factors, including its flexibility, its wealth of “out-of-the-box” content management systems (CMS), strong social media integration and the depth of its professional developer community. The new Web platform accommodates constant improvements and supports the latest Internet technologies. Built with a streamlined organizational layout, it also facilitates backend content and structure management. A custom content management control panel generates high internal efficiencies, and an improved user interface integrates enhanced search capabilities and regional personalization that can tailor the site to each unique visitor.

The resulting improvements have provided Unitil with the opportunity to develop and integrate a variety of Web-based tools and online resources. These resources, combined with the company’s highly trained customer service and business development staff, bolster education outreach efforts and build more active customer participation in the company’s energy efficiency programs.

How Unitil is Leveraging Web Technologies for Long Term Success

Energy Savings Management Pilot

Between June and August of 2011, Unitil will conduct an innovative pilot program – the Energy Savings Management Program – gathering valuable information on the technologies and consumer practices that will best reduce energy costs for customers. The pilot will test several Smart Grid technologies that allow customers to conserve energy usage during periods of peak electrical demand, helping gain insight on the factors that motivate customer participation in energy conservation and efficiency programs.


Eligible participants will be divided into three customer categories, each of which will test a different consumption control method. Smart Grid technologies installed in participating homes enable the homeowner to control energy usage and will collect and relay each household’s energy consumption data to Unitil via two-way digital communications using the existing electrical grid as the communications medium. Pilot program participation includes residential Unitil customers owning a home equipped with an air conditioning system and who plan to remain at their current residence for a minimum of nine months.

Participation Incentives

To facilitate customer participation in the program, an additional functionality was integrated into the new Unitil website to help make the program easy to use and to drive energy and environmental-based education. The Energy Savings Management portal at offers participants a customized suite of online applications that details real-time energy usage data, prior day energy usage data during off-peak, on-peak and critical peak periods and daily cost of electricity, as well as Web-based tools including a cost comparison calculator that allows users to identify high impact changes in usage specific to their household.

Future Program Plan

The Energy Savings Management program is well positioned for future growth pending a favorable outcome from the pilot suggesting continuation of the program is warranted. By leveraging the advanced Web technologies and technical innovations used to improve the efficiency, functionality and usability of the Unitil website, the program can expand to facilitate more in-depth studies, producing valuable additional data about customer participation and usage and that could help shape future energy efficiency programs.

As an example, integrated social media channels including Flickr and YouTube allow for instantaneous content sharing, and the company’s Twitter feed, @Unitil, which has grown to nearly 500 followers in only two months, offers real-time system and service restoration updates via’s Outage Center. A MyUnitil account management section features easy online bill pay options as well as resources and advice to help customers lower their energy costs. Our Community is a section that details Unitil’s involvement in the local neighborhoods it serves and The Media Center maintains a current collection of company news, upcoming events and safety tips.

A ‘Suite’ Set of Tools & Tips

The Energy Efficiency section of Unitil’s advanced new website also hosts a variety of energy saving tips and other informational tools for customers to use in managing energy costs. This information, prompted by growing customer demand for online account management, allows Unitil to better serve an expanding customer base. These toolkits access extensive reference libraries that inform and engage customers on energy and environmental topics of all kinds.

Home & Commercial: The Home and Commercial Energy Suites, for example, provide customers with rich tools to identify and understand their energy usage, costs and any sudden or high impact changes in their energy consumption. The Home Energy Suite features energy efficiency calculators and an energy reference library covering everything from electricity fundamentals to compact fluorescent lighting. The Energy Calculator helps estimate energy use costs based on user-supplied data and allows customers to perform energy conservation scenarios to pinpoint opportunities for cost savings. The Appliance Calculator helps identify energy usage specific to any number of home appliances. An interactive Lighting Calculator displays a cost/ use comparison of CFL and incandescent lamps.

Kid’s Corner: There is also an educational Kid’s Corner that explores energy topics, addressing efficiency, safety, conservation and other issues with easy-to-understand content and vivid graphics. Teachers can even download lesson guides from a dedicated Teacher Feature. The InteractiveEnergyHome link guides visitors on an energy-smart tour of a three-dimensional home. A HomeEnergySuite for gas customers includes a calculator dedicated to comparing home heating costs, from oil, propane, heat pumps and gas.

The CommercialEnergySuite features an in-depth library on commercial energy systems, building design and technologies, as well as an animated explanation of how energy demand affects cost. A commercial calculator estimates energy usage and cost based on customer inputs and even offers three efficiency levels for each calculation.

Electric + Gas: Both electric and gas efficiency programs that partner with local, state and federal agencies are explained on the website, introducing sizable rebates and incentives for ways to improve efficiency, comfort, convenience and cost. Energy-saving solutions and rebates for qualified weatherization measures and energy efficient equipment are also illustrated, as are important energy saving tips for homes, apartments or small businesses.

The new site further includes interactive calculators for electricity and natural gas as well as appliance management tools that help customers understand where energy really goes and how to reduce expenses. And as a practical matter, Unitil provides home weatherization strategies and professional guidance on purchasing major appliances.

For Electric Customers: For electric customers, the new website is a go-to resource for The Energy Star Appliance Program – a collaboration with local retailers to promote the benefits of Energy Star appliances and The Energy Star Lighting Program, in which local retailers offer rebates on the purchase of energy-saving, Energy Star lighting products. The Energy Star Homes Program promotes energy efficient building design and construction practices. And to further encourage customer participation, Unitil rebates and incentives are offered for many of these initiatives.

For Gas Customers: Gas customers can find information on high efficiency space and water heating equipment, available to customers planning to install high efficiency gas-fired equipment. The section also provides information on Unitil’s Income Eligible Program and how some customers can receive no-cost energy efficiency benefits.

Free Energy Efficiency Evaluations: Businesses of all sizes can easily access energy-saving information. Small commercial electric customers can learn how to receive free energy efficiency evaluations and incentives on installed equipment and technologies. Large electric customers, as well as those undergoing major renovations or building new facilities, also can access Unitil’s financial and technical services through this section of the site. Commercial natural gas customers can tap a wealth of information on programs with Unitil that share costs for efficiency improvements – from multi-family building customers to small and large commercial and industrial programs to new equipment and construction projects.

The Unitil website is a transparent, high technology window. It brings together a company culture of extensive information, clear guidance and prompt solutions – and more than 170,000 New England homes and businesses seeking safe, reliable and affordable energy services. As a portal, and as a resource for all of the company’s stakeholders, the site represents Unitil’s fundamental commitment to energy conservation and efficiency as well as technology and innovation, encouraging two-way communication and higher levels of customer participation.

About the Authors

Cindy Carroll is Director, Business Development for Unitil Service Corp. and has 20 years of experience in the utility industry. Cindy oversees the creation, implementation and advancement of the company’s business expansion and economic development initiatives, energy efficiency programs and critical customer management. Prior to joining Unitil, Cindy held positions with EnergyUSA and Northern Utilities, Inc. She is a member of the New Hampshire Business and Industry Association’s Energy & Regulated Utilities Committee as well as the Advisory Panel to the New Hampshire Local Energy Committee Working Group. She previously served on the NH Energy Efficiency & Sustainability Board of Directors and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication from the University of New Hampshire as well as an MBA from New Hampshire College.

Justin Eisfeller is Director, Energy Measurement and Control for Unitil Service Corp. Justin is an expert engineering professional with extensive experience in the energy industry and oversees the company’s advanced metering infrastructure, substation systems and SCADA controls, as well as the coordination of its grid modernization efforts and previously served as Unitil’s director of engineering. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of New Hampshire, a member of the IEEE Power Engineering Society and serves on the Board of Directors for the Energy Council of the Northeast (ECNE). Prior to joining Unitil, Justin held positions with Heidelberg Web Systems and Public Service of New Hampshire. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering with a Power Engineering Option from Northeastern University, as well as an MBA from the University of New Hampshire’s Whittemore School of Business.

1 International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook 2010
2 United States Energy Information Agency, Annual Energy Outlook 2010
3 Lux Research: ‘The Data Revolution: How Intelligent Hardware Will Drive the $34 Billion Smart Grid’
4 J.D. Power and Associates; “The 2011 Gas Utility Business Customer Satisfaction Study”