March 3, 2025

Finding Convergence: What Will Make or Break the Smart Grid
Capitalizing on the indelible impact of developer, utility, regulatory, and consumer convergence on Smart Grid infrastructure design and engineering

by David L. Bassett, PE
The long-term success of the Smart Grid hinges on the intersection of numerous essential factors: timing, vision, determination to overcome daunting challenges, and the willingness of key stake­holders – private corporations, government entities, and the general public – to come together to realize its full potential and benefit. And it is our ability to once again find and leverage this convergence that will make or break the Smart Grid.

David L. Bassett, PE

On the Edge of Occam’s Razor

The old adage of “a rising tide lifts all boats” has never been truer than in the case of the emerging Smart Grid. The Smart Grid offers nearly limitless opportunities and advantages; it is an open door to the creation of a safer, more durable, and more efficient global power grid. The Smart Grid holds the promise of greater energy inde­pendence, increased economic prosperity, and improved stewardship of our finite natural resources. For all of this boundless potential, there are very real risks and obstacles that may yet impede its execution, stalling its current groundswell of forward momentum.

As a critical infrastructure component, the Smart Grid is by its very nature, a multifaceted organism layered with manifold interdependencies and symbiotic rela­tionships. With this inherent complexity, global Smart Grid architectures cannot be developed and deployed by any one single, isolated entity. Rather, its successful design and engineering can only be achieved through an ongoing, evolutionary process that takes into account and is influenced on all sides by a myriad of individu­als and organizations – developers, utilities, standards bodies, regulatory agencies, and consumers alike. But with so many different forces in play, there is a very real risk that the timely design and deployment process for mission-critical Smart Grid infrastructures may be pro­foundly impacted by unexpected changes in focus and scope – or worse – gripped by inertia and entropy.

So how do we as developers, engineers, and archi­tects, meet the challenge of developing and deploying effective Smart Grid technologies and infrastructures without the process stagnating and deteriorating into discord? How do we gain buy-in from key constituen­cies without falling into unproductive battles over phi­losophy differences and minutiae? Paraphrasing and applying the principles of Occam’s Razor – the simplest route is usually the best – can keep the Smart Grid infrastructure design and engineering process moving forward. Or, as better stated by David Henry Thoreau, Simplify, simplify…

• Present all stakeholders unambiguous and concisely stated goals, objectives, and requirements laid out in simple, clear language;
• Provide ample, easily accessible channels for provid­ing input and feedback
• Pursue The Three C’s: Communication, Collaboration and Consensus

It is essential to find a way to simply approach, com­municate, and engage with these converging constitu­encies now, in the formative stages of infrastructure development, in order to capitalize on the full potential that the Smart Grid offers.

C is for: Communication

With this continued convergence of key Smart Grid stakeholders set to permanently shape its future, open and uncomplicated communications are increasingly important. “Communications” here is a play on words, referring not only to the act of imparting information or exchanging thoughts and opinions between constitu­encies, but to the physical systems that interlink the diverse elements within the Smart Grid, as well.

Nearly every aspect of the Smart Grid is dependent on com­munications in some fashion. It is absolutely essential that information and data can be generated, collected, and trans­mitted across all points on the grid, including utilities, regu­latory agencies, and consumers. But just as important as the ability to transmit, is the type of data that is passed on.

All key stakeholders have data that is important to their own interests. Utilities need to gather and analyze criti­cal real-time information – consumption volumes, central versus distributed resources, and load levels. Regulatory agencies and government entities need guidance on over­all supply availability, environmental impacts, and grid security conditions. Consumers want to know about fac­tors impacting their life, such as rates and pricing, and potential effect on monthly utility bills.

Architecting an artful solution addressing all of these needs and conditions is challenging, at best. However, with careful consideration and open lines of communica­tion, Smart Grid developers and engineers will find that it can indeed be done by:

• Leveraging existing and emerging standards and tech­nologies promoting greater interoperability, integration, and communications between fundamental elements such as SCADA systems and installed devices
• Adopting a long-tailed view that anticipates changes in regulatory operational and reporting requirements, future-proofing Smart Grid infrastructure design by incorporating flexible, scalable frameworks that can be easily adapted for these changes
• Emulating and integrating best-of-breed consumer product technologies, such as touch screens and Short Message Service (SMS), to deliver customer informa­tion intuitively across familiar channels, such as email, the Web, and mobile devices

Communication is just as critical in the physical opera­tion and control of the global Smart Grid as it is in its creation. Without establishing secure, forward-looking, flexible communications channels between grid control systems and installed devices, the Smart Grid may wind up as yet another piece of crumbling infrastructure need­ing extensive overhaul or replacement just years down the road. By the same token, without clear and open lines of communications between all stakeholders, the infra­structure design, development, and engineering process can easily be stalled, bogging down under the weight of conflicting priorities and disagreements.


C is for: Collaboration

As noted by celebrated industrialist and philanthro­pist, Andrew Carnegie, “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” In our world today, some of our greatest inventions and discoveries are the result of collaborative efforts – without the pro­cess of collaboration, neither would diabetes sufferers have insulin to control the affects of their disease, nor would we have Hypertext Transfer Protocol, better known as HTTP, which facilitates the transmission of information over the Internet. Collaboration is a proven path to suc­cess for those daring enough to walk it.

While not every collaborative effort bears fruit, the Smart Grid, with its interdependent, multifaceted nature, offers fertile ground for successful collabora­tion between stakeholders. The easiest parallel for the modern power ecosystem is that of an interlock­ing chain. Each link – equipment suppliers, technol­ogy developers, utilities, policymakers, and consumers, for example – relies on the next, forming an unending circle that benefits all involved. Previously, collabo­ration and cooperation between these diverse players was often an uneasy affair, occurring only when absolutely necessary. Success was often accidental in nature, an unexpected and rare result coming only after extensive, laborious, and costly trial-and-error processes had been exhausted.

The electric industry is in the midst of a paradigm shift in the way that its product is produced, delivered, managed, and consumed. Technology developers, utilities, standards bodies, and regulatory agencies, backed by needed funding from policymakers and fueled by consumer acceptance and understanding, must work side-by-side to ensure the global Smart Grid moves from the conceptual to the concrete, facilitating an accessible, affordable, reliable, and clean supply of power:

• Technology developers, energy producers, and standards organizations must work together in the development of best-practice methodologies, standards, and architectures for producing a cleaner, and more secure and efficient energy network, as well as devising new ways of incorporating renewable energy sources
• Cooperation among policymakers, regulatory agencies, and utilities will enable greater long-term capital investments and funding for new Smart Grid initiatives and infrastructures
• By educating and engaging with consumers about the benefits of the Smart Grid, utilities and regulatory agencies can achieve a better understanding of consumer needs and concerns, and devise strategies for addressing them

Only with all stakeholders working collaboratively towards a common goal in a public-private partner­ship, can we realize the creation of a secure, intercon­nected power generation, transmission, and distribution network, unhampered by interoperability challenges and consumer mistrust.

C is for: Consensus

The final of the three C’s stands for consensus – or perhaps more appropriately, consensus-building. While better lines of communications and greater stake­holder collaboration are both critical to the success of the Smart Grid, this final element is the one that may ultimately make or break the Smart Grid, particu­larly when it comes to end-user acceptance of Smart Grid technologies.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, if the nation’s grid could achieve just five percent greater efficiency, the energy savings would be equal to per­manently eliminating fuel and greenhouse emissions from 53 million automobiles. But with this remarkable potential benefit, consumers are skeptical of and even resistant to Smart Grid technologies, such as smart meters, which are being rolled out in select markets across the country and around the world. Smart meter deployments in California and Texas have become light­ning rods for controversy, drawing vocal complaints over utility bills, potential health and safety impacts, and privacy concerns. The fevered pitch of consumer com­plaints even led Fairfax, California – a usually tranquil community in Marin County – to ask for a moratorium on smart meter installations in its city. It is a power­ful reminder that positive customer perceptions of the Smart Grid are critical to its ultimate success.

Many consumers today are conscious of the ben­efits that increased energy efficiency brings; witness the recent success of “cash for clunkers” appliance rebates rewarding consumers for replacing inefficient appliances with new Energy Star-compliant ones. With tangible cost savings bolstered by effective edu­cational initiatives, consumers have come to not only accept, but demand energy efficient appliances for their homes. Yet these same energy conscious consum­ers are vocal in their objection to smart meters, skepti­cal of the idea of a Smart Grid.

Because of this inherent consumer mistrust of smart meters and doubts about whether a smarter grid is even within the realm of possibility, the energy indus­try and policymakers have some work to do in build­ing a consensus between themselves and consumers.

Industry and public sector stakeholders must address consumer concerns, educating them about the full potential and opportu­nities offered by deployment of the global Smart Grid before it can work to its ultimate capabilities. Some of these steps are:

• Engage in customer education initiatives in channels and mediums where they are most comfortable, such as via email, the Internet and Web, or town hall-style meetings
• Provide consumers with ample opportunities to reg­ister their concerns and provide feedback, then pro­vide a meaningful response to these concerns such as hands-on demonstrations of smart meters and other Smart Grid technologies
• Continue to provide participation incentives, much like the successful appliance rebate programs; consumers are more likely to accept smart meters and Smart Grid technologies if there is a clear and direct financial benefit

Achieving ubiquitous consumer acceptance is not a luxury; it is an imperative if the Smart Grid is to reach its apex poten­tial. With intelligent, proactive outreach, it is possible to turn consumers into actively engaged proponents, laying a firm foundation for the future of the Smart Grid.

Make-or-Break Time: Getting Serious About the Smart Grid

Although serious attempts at developing technologies to sup­port a smarter power grid have been ongoing in one form or another since the 1980s, only now has the emerging global Smart Grid truly become a priority. As the world’s power grid infrastructures continue to age and deteriorate, the reality is that this is make-or-break time for the Smart Grid.

All stakeholders must understand that current grid infrastruc­tures are not effectively able to keep pace with challenges and issues such as security threats, increasing demand both in industrialized and developing nations, and the need for better use and management of dwindling natural resources. Therefore, now is the time to invest the time, money, and effort needed to bring the global Smart Grid to fruition. By finding, achieving, and leveraging the combined strength of all constituencies, we can successfully develop and deploy the robust infrastructure needed to support the Smart Grid, thus securing and preserving accessibility to a dependable, uninterruptable power supply – not just for today but for generations to come.

About the Author

David L. Bassett is a Senior Member of IEEE, as well as a Senior Staff Engineer/Scientist for PPL Electric Utilities ( David’s IEEE activities include acting as Vice Chairman of the 1547.2 appli­cation guide for IEEE 1547 series of standards and guides, being a participant of the working group of IEEE 1547.4 Guide for Design, Operation, and Integration of Distributed Resource Island Systems with Electric Power Systems, as well as an active participant in all of the IEEE 1547 standards and participating as an active member of the IEEE Standards Board.

His current responsibilities at PPL Electric Utilities include a wide variety of projects including design of 500 kV protection systems, application of PLC equipment in substations, standards for connection of Non-Utility Generation (NUG) and IPP (Independent Power Producers) to the electric grid. David is a rec­ognized technical specialist in the area of protective relaying, particularly in the protection requirements for NUGs and IPPs.

David graduated from Penn Morton College (now Wid­ener University) with a Bachelor of Engineering degree. He has held registration as Professional Engineer in the State of Pennsylvania continually since 1977. He also holds a software patent for PLC logic and is the author of several papers related to substation control systems.