March 6, 2025

Network Separation: Securing an Integrated SCADA System

by By Scott Wooldridge , Vice President of Sales, Citect.
In recent years, utility companies have undergone great changes in the way they run their businesses. The pressure to increase profits and reduce expenses has them integrating their SCADA systems with their business networks to streamline operations. The popularity of the Internet has customers requesting online access to their accounts as well as online bill payment, further increasing network exposure. In addition, utility companies have reduced costs by leveraging the Internet to facilitate core business operations such as outage management and procurement.

The August 2003 mass power outage heightened public concern about the possibility of an intentional outage.As a result North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) created the Urgent Action Standard 1200. The purpose of this action was to ensure all entities responsible for the reliability of the bulk electric systems in North America identify and protect critical cyber assets that control or could impact the reliability of bulk electric systems. In 2004, NERC issued a continuation and update of Standard 1200 that remains mandatory for control areas and reliability coordinators. All control areas and reliability coordinators must complete and submit the appropriate regional self-certification renewal form(s) indicating their degree of compliance or non-compliance with the cyber security standard requirements during the first quarter of 2005.

In addition, global terrorism has the public and media concerned about the security of public utility companies’ critical infrastructure and their SCADA systems. Despite the public fears, there is no reason for utility companies to shun the immense benefits resulting from the integration of SCADA systems and the advantages of the Internet. The threat may be real, but the measures to protect SCADA systems are, fortunately, relatively easy.

Perhaps the greatest danger to utility companies is the lack of awareness of the need for greater security. Many public and private companies controlling vital public utilities like gas, power and water, never thought they would be the target of cyber attacks and now must implement measures to improve network security. While many utility companies perform regular risk assessments of their SCADA systems, too many do not. They have become dependent on their tightly integrated digital information systems without fully understanding the potential impact of a cyber attack.

SCADA systems were traditionally "walled off" from other systems operating independently from the network. Prior to the awareness of possible attacks, this seemed to provide all the protection the SCADA system needed. They were largely proprietary systems with such limited access and esoteric coding that very few people would have the ability to access them to launch an attack. Over time, however, they became integrated into the larger company network as a means to leverage their valuable data and increase plant efficiency. Therefore, the reality is their security is now often only as strong as the security of the network.

Protecting Your SCADA Network
The first step

The first step towards securing SCADA systems is creating a written security policy, an essential component in protecting the corporate network. Failure to have a policy in place exposes the company to attacks, revenue loss and legal action. A security policy should also be a living document, not a static policy created once and shelved. The management team needs to draw very clear and understandable objectives, goals, rules and formal procedures to define the overall position and architecture of the plan.

Key personnel such as senior management, IT department, human resources and the legal department all should be included in the plan. It should also cover the following key components:

  • Roles and responsibilities of those affected by the policy

  • Actions, activities and processes that are allowed and those that are not allowed

  • Consequences of non-compliance

Vulnerability Assessment

A key aspect of preparing a written security policy is to perform a vulnerability assessment prior to completing the written policy. A vulnerability assessment is designed to identify both the potential risks associated with the different aspects of the SCADA-related IT infrastructure and the priority of the different aspects of the infrastructure. This would typically be presented in a hierarchical manner, which in turn sets the priority to address security concerns and the level of related funding associated with each area of vulnerability.

For example, within a typical SCADA environment, key items and the related hierarchy could be as follows:

  • Operational Availability of Operator Stations

  • Accuracy of Real Time Data

  • Protection of System Configuration Data

  • Interconnection to Business Networks

  • Availability of Historical Data

  • Availability of Casual User Stations

A vulnerability assessment also acts as a mechanism to identify holes or flaws in the understanding of how a system is architected and where threats against the system may originate.

To successfully complete a vulnerability assessment, a physical audit of all the computer and networking equipment, associated software and network routings needs to be performed. A clear and accurate network diagram should be used to present a detailed depiction of the infrastructure following the audit.

After defining the hierarchy and auditing the different system components, the following areas of vulnerability need to be addressed, as they relate to each component, as part of the assessment process:

Network and operating environment security

  • Application security

  • Intrusion detection

  • Regulation of physical access to the SCADA network

It should also be understood when dealing with the SCADA infrastructure that there are commonalities and differences between SCADA-related IT security and IT security focused on typical business systems. For example, in a business systems environment, access to the server is typically the key focus. Whereas in a SCADA environment, the access focus is at the operator console level. This difference produces both alternate network topologies to provide the necessary availability as well as a different focus on what elements of the SCADA system would be of highest priority to safeguard against security breaches.

Further Security Measures

As previously mentioned, SCADA networks were once separate from other networks and physical penetration of the system was needed to perpetuate an attack.As corporate networks became electronically linked via the Internet or wireless technology, physical access was no longer necessary for a cyber attack. One solution is to isolate the SCADA network; however, this is not a practical solution for budget-minded operations that require monitoring plants and remote terminal units (RTU) from distant locations. Therefore, security measures need to be taken to protect the network, and some common security mechanisms apply to virtually all SCADA networks, which have any form of wide area (WAN) or Internet-based access requirements. The core elements of each method are discussed in the following:

Network Design – Keep It Simple

Simple networks are at less risk than more complex, interconnected networks. Keep the network simple and, more importantly, well documented from the beginning.

A key factor in ensuring a secure network is the number of contact points. These should be limited as far as possible. While firewalls have secured access from the Internet, many existing control system have modems installed to allow remote users access to the system for debugging. These modems are often connected directly to controllers in the substations. The access point, if required, should be through a single point that is password protected and where user action logging can be achieved.


A firewall is a set of related programs, located at a network gateway server that protects the resources of a private network from outside users. A firewall, working closely with a router program, examines each network packet to determine whether to forward it toward its destination. A firewall also includes or works with a proxy server that makes network requests on behalf of workstation users. A firewall is often installed in a specially designated computer separate from the rest of the network, so that no incoming request can get directly at private network resources.

In packet switched networks such as the Internet, a router is a device or, in some cases, software in a computer, that determines the next network point to which a packet should be forwarded toward its destination. The router is connected to at least two networks and decides which way to send each information packet based on its current understanding of the state of the networks to which it is connected. A router is located at any gateway (where one network meets another), including each point of presence on the Internet. A router is often included as part of a network switch.

It is imperative to utilize a secured firewall between the corporate network and the Internet. As the single point of traffic into and out of a corporate network, a firewall can be effectively monitored and secured. It is important to have at least one firewall and router separating the network from external networks not in the company’s dominion.

On larger sites the control system needs to be protected from attack within the SCADA network. Implementing an additional firewall between the corporate and SCADA network can achieve this aim and is highly recommended.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

One of the main security issues facing more complex networks today is remote access. VPN is a secured way of connecting to remote SCADA networks. With a Virtual Private Network (VPN), all data paths are secret to a certain extent, yet open to a limited group of persons, such as employees of a supplier company. A VPN is a network constructed by using public wires to connect nodes. For example, there are a number of systems that allow the creation of networks using the Internet as the medium for transporting data. These systems use encryption and other security measures to ensure only authorized users access the network and data cannot be intercepted. Based on the existing public network infrastructure and incorporating data encryption and tunneling techniques, it provides a high level of data security. Typically a VPN server will be installed either as part of the firewall or as a separate machine to which external users will authenticate before gaining access to the SCADA networks.

IP Security (IPsec)

IP Security (IPsec) is a set of protocols developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to support the secure exchange of packets at the IP layer. IPsec has been deployed widely to implement VPNs

IPsec can be deployed within a network to provide computer-level authentication, as well as data encryption. IPsec can be used to create a VPN connection between the two remote networks using the highly secured Layer Two Tunneling Protocol with Internet Protocol security (L2TP/IPSec).

IPsec supports two encryption modes: Transport and Tunnel. The Transport mode encrypts only the data portion (payload) of each packet, but leaves the header untouched. The more secure Tunnel mode encrypts both the header and the payload. On the receiving side, an IPSec-compliant device decrypts each packet.

For IPsec to work, the sending and receiving devices must share a public key. This is accomplished through a protocol known as Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol/Oakley (ISAKMP/ Oakley), which allows the receiver to obtain a public key and authenticate the sender using digital certificates.

It is important during the selection process of network hardware such as routers, switches and gateways to consider the inclusion of support for IPSec security as part of the devices to enable the support of secure VPN connections.

Demilitarized Zones (DMZ)

Demilitarized Zones (DMZ) are a buffer between a trusted network (SCADA network) and the corporate network or Internet, separated through additional firewalls and routers, which provide an extra layer of security against cyber attacks. Utilizing DMZ buffers is becoming an increasingly common method to segregate business applications from the SCADA network and is a highly recommended additional security measure.

About the Author
Scott Wooldridge holds an MBA degree in addition to degrees in electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. He has over 15 years experience providing production improvement engineering, IT, Project Management and Consultancy services to a variety of industrial, process, food and mining customers including: Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton, ALCOA, PG & E, Mitsubishi, Caterpillar and GM.
Scott now serves as Citect Americas Vice President of Sales and previously acted as the Vice President of Citect’s Professional Services organization, leading a team of engineering and IT personnel providing services throughout North and Latin America.